Saturday, October 16, 2004

Raker result so far ......

Had a full day today ... in the morning I went to our church's general meeting .. It is held every two years. The main purpose of having that is actually to see the general picture of what each department and commision doing as part of IPC church as a whole. I also had to give a presentation today of our youth program in the year 2005-2006 ...

During the meeting i realize it is not about which commission/department is doing better than the other .. Every dept has their own successes and failures .. We must support one another as partner in the gospel, if you know what i mean ... sometimes instead of supporting one another, we don't care about what the other dept is doing, let alone other churches .. It can be pictured like one church envy another church because they have more members or their members are more lively ... that really happens, I think ... Well, Ideally we should give thanks anyway since if Christ is really preached in that other churches, we should thank God for that .. The end goal is the same ...

To share a bit, here is our plan for next year (pls comment my blog readers .. ). But plan is just a plan, without prayer and full surrender, it's a bit meaningless .. Ok .. here we go .....

IPC Youth fellowship:

Who we are:
  • We are mostly indo students who study here. Some of us are still in high school, pre-uni, uni students and workers.
Aim of the fellowship:
  • To build a strong fellowship, solid bible teaching and reaching out to wider community esp youth ... (become a blessing to them by sharing the gospel and Christ's love) at school, workplace and uni
Program Routine:
  • Weekly fellowship
    1. Bible talk: The plan is to have more short letters, more bible series and topics in the year 2005. So we will do New testament letters (short ones) and followed by a series of topical sermon (e.g. relationship series, music workshop, money, wanting to be rich, ecclesiastes 1,3,12, Psalms - how we relate to God in real life situations, happy situation, sad, angry, lonely, down, and so on)
    2. panel discussion (more of this in the year 2005)
    3. fellowship and dinner
  • Weekly bible study (most probably we'll learn romans in the first semester)

  1. Special events: Valentine, Bday, Xmas and Easter
  2. Outings: 3x a year
  3. Evangelical nights (app 3 times this year) ... some of the ideas are (any more good ideas?):
    • coffee table: have coffee and short bible talks ... (Mrs Mavis idea)
    • Invite gospel singers to evangelize
    • Invite good speakers for evangelism .. (combine with pemuda bday/MPKD maybe for this one)
  1. Training: Evangelism training, 2 ways to live workshop
  2. Outreach to uni (open a stand 1x a year) plus Free Maths/English/Science/Physics tutorial for HSC students .. reaching out to young people (maybe can liase with remaja if they are from aussie background) ...
  3. Conventions: KYLC (Katoomba Youth Leader Convention), KYC (Katoomba Youth Convention), MKC (Men's Katoomba Convention), WKC (Women's Katoomba Convention)
  4. Mini retreat in the summer .. gather and study the bible together, plus recreational activities in the blue mountains ...
Yeah .. that;s all folks .. I am a bit scare that we are doing too many things this year .. hopefully not .. well, what do you think?

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