Sunday, May 28, 2006

Christianity makes sense!!

Imagine yourself as a loving parent .. You love your children very much ... Everyday, you take care of them, you feed them, give them advice, be there for them, and so on. When they are sick, you do not sleep the whole night, even the following days after that. You love your children so much and you want them to see that you love them.

Time goes by, and your children grew up to become rebel teenagers. Suddenly they never listen to you. They don't feel like spending time with you anymore. Even though you as their parents still feed them everyday, give them the same love that you gave when they were little, but they just ignore you. To them, your advice has now become a burden. "Do not do this", "Do that" - They just won't listen.

You try to be patient, but rage starts to build up within you. You are angry because you love them and do not want them to drift away. Your rage comes from the fact that you love them. The children themselves are doing pretty badly. They never study, they watch porn, using drugs, and even selling them on the street. They become violent beasts, getting into fights on the street. They even despise their parents.

You are angry and you have to do something. What would you do as a parent? Punishment won't work and they have received those many times ... As a parent, you punish them when they are wrong, but deep down you just want them to love you. That's all it is, that's the bottom line. Punishment is just a means to get there. What would you do? You feel powerless as a parent? You are starting feel like "who are you to punish them?" But at the same time you also feel angry and love is the strongest feeling that you have within you.. Again, the bottom line is you love your children and want them to love you back .

I think that's how God feel now. As the parent in the illustration above, He is angry because we HUMAN have turned away against Him. We don't care about God even though He take care of us. As a result, we drift away downwards into our sin and degradation in every area of our lives - work, sex, relationships, money, worshipping other gods, etc. And yes, God is ANGRY, but anger that comes from the fact that He LOVES us. The bottom line is, He just wants us to love Him back. What would God do? God is not powerless like the parent above, and He can choose to wipe us out. Afterall He is GOD.

Funny enough, the bible said that God punish His own Son Jesus who is without sin. Instead of us who have drifted away from Him. WHY? Because through that, everyone who believe in Jesus will be forgiven of their sin. They will be given a new heart, a heart that loves God. Jesus had to be punished on our behalf, because God is just and He has to punish sins. We will never escape God's punishment without Jesus' sacrifice.

Through the story above I urge you to know God through Jesus. As parents you would've understand what I said above. I feel it too sometimes. As non-parents, you will become a parent someday and will understand the pain of a parent who is going through situation like above, maybe not to that extreme. That's why Christianity makes sense!

Lastly, there are other choice which the parent can do. The parent can choose to IGNORE the children and do not care about them anymore. Some parents may be able to do that, but I think that is NOT LOVE. Loving parents would never do something like that. They will never give up until they breathe their last breath. God can not ignore what we have done. He has to do something and He has done something, which is sending His own Son, dying on the cross, representing the greatest love.

"So what?", you may ask. Now, God demands us to love Him by trusting Jesus' work on the cross. Coz, the bottom line is He just wants us to love Him back. Will you do just that? I pray that you will ....

John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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