Saturday, July 03, 2010

God is good all the time

I don't think I have updated this blog for a while. It has been sitting idle and I just didn't have time to update it. Lots of things have happened and I am so grateful to be where I am now.

I have been married for more than one year and oh what a privilege to be married to such a godly woman. She is fun to be with, I love all the time that we spent together. One year feels like a breeze and I thank God for the time I could spend with her. I know there will be lots of challenges in the future, but as we see God building our home, I know that we are secured in His love. No matter what happens, our God is faithful.

I am still praying for my family to get to be a Christian and to love Jesus. My mum still doesn't want to go to church, but she does not reject Christianity now. She wouldn't mind praying or reading the bible, even though she has some animosity towards church. My brother is doing well by His grace in Jakarta. God has been gracious to Him in all aspects of his life and has been answering his prayers. I need to catch up with him more. I will have my in-laws coming soon to Sydney. I am not quite sure as to where to bring them since they have been here so many times. But I guess the most important thing is to be with family.

In terms of ministry, I am still with the youth group (aka. Pemuda) in my church. Thanking God for everything that happened in Pemuda. Pemuda has now changed its format to be based on small groups. I feel that the format is very good for those people who has questions on God's Word, how to apply that Word in our daily life. I feel privileged to be entrusted with the ministry in small group bible study. Big responsibility to be the "teacher" of God's Word. I know God will hold me accountable in everything I say, don't say, do, don't do. It is a terrible sight to be judged by my God and being me, I know that I will make mistakes. I am a hot blooded guy who often say things without thinking. I got into hot water a few times already. Oh well, please pray for me.

That's all my update folks. I'll write another entry of the two books of the bible soon. Cherio!

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