There were many things happen to me in the past week..To start with, last Friday we went to Karaoke wif my bible study members and david liu's bible study. That was a very enjoyable night for me and I hope the others too.Hahaha.I always like to sing. I think I became a sanguin in that karaoke room. Emm .. the only thing that I was worried about is hanna since she didn't sing much .. hanna "can and will" only sing english songs and only selected songs that are elegant .. haha .. our song selection ranged from rap (where is the love) to mandarin and indo songs :) .. we ended up spending $11 pp for 2 hours of karaoke .. In the end there were about 18 songs left in the queue .. Next time we'll do it at yap2 place since its free .. haha ...
Jun just got a job last week ... he is working in KFC town hall now .. brought home some KFC chicken .. yummy .. He also got a second job at oxford st bar .. the former employer at australian hotel called him up and asked him if he is available to work ... well it's a bit worrying .. he told me that some of his workmates are gay and he was scared .. I was a bit comforted knowing that it is his former boss at australian hotel who offered him the job .. Praying that he'll be ok despite his busy work and study
Master class was also pretty good last Thursday .. not too long .. :) .. anyway, I've got questions which om joe did not know/want to answer at that time .. He promised me yesterday that he'll think about it though .. The question is "how do you disprove reincarnation?" Given that people who believe in the reincarnation gives prove such as there is this person who can tell exactly where he lived in the past life, who his/her wife/husband was, when did he die, his sickness and so on. This person has never visited the country where he/she claimed to live his/her past life .. I think I heard there are many proofs of it, my parents know some of them and they always bring this as proof that there is such thing called reincarnation .. Does anyone want to comment or have any opinion?
On Friday, I watched Cirque De Soleile with some Damon, ken, rose, leo, alastair, rav, stef, hans. Wow .. it was fantastic .. recommended to watch .. it's been a long time since i watch any circus .. very enjoyable .. I was hoping it would run for more than 2 hours, kurang banget rasanya ..
Pemuda was good yesterday .. Jimmy brought a very clear message I think about mentoring topic, easy to understand and very applicable .. I approached/will approach Kev and Muri (not yet) and ask them to help out in taking care of some of the members in our bible study ... Kevin will mentor edward, muri -> hanna and inggrid and I -> kevin ... Maybe we'll try doing one on one meeting once we are used to it .. but the first step is maybe to pay attention more to the person him/herself. I am so not used to the concept though ...
At pemuda I had a conversation with a guy who come regularly to IPCYF about catholicism .. He is a catholic, but it is a bit weird for me that he come to our church youth fellowship but on Sunday he still goes to catholic church and he considers himself a catholic ... I really don't feel right about it though .. feel awkward ... I had a chance to talk a little bit about the difference between catholicism and christianity .. I think I have to say this to him, since if I keep quiet it will not be right .. I tried not to offend him as best as I could .. just try to be open wif him and at the same time try to understand him .. I think it is time that we need to be a bit ruthless about the truth but at the same time also melayani mrk ...
Yesterday after pemuda, I went straight to Lidia's place .. I had so much fun and laughter you won't believe it .. sampe hampir cram perut .. hahahah .. Lidia is a PHD student who usually come to Sunday morning service. She kindly invited me and some people (Ronny, Triana, Franky, Yosi, Mbak Maria, Windy, Nelvi, ahon dan istri (sapa nama istri ahon?) and some of lidia's friends to go to her place celebrating her birthday. Haha .. she can cook really well .. nasi kuning nya was very good ... es buah and cake nya juga very nice .. she also made tahu brontak sama lumpia vietnam .. how does that sound? hahah .. we brought her a kitchen utensil and cookbook as her bday present *hope she like it* .. so that she can cook for us more in the future .. HAHAHA .. oh well, this group of people is so much fun .. we laughed a lot like crazy yesterday .. I've never had that kind of laugh for a long time now .. it was unbelievable .. hahaha ... our converstion was always full of joke .. feel like we were part of srimulat team or somethin .. Yosi, Franky, Mbak Maria (she is the best), and Lidia are the funniest of them all .. really enjoy it everytime I mix around with them ... very happy bunch of people, well at least from the outside appearance .. I know that some of us banyak masalah juga ... but it was a good laugh yesterday ... very happy very happy .. ureshiiii ..
Well, today there is no bible study prep meeting .. haha .. I kinda miss it .. what am I gonna do today ya? I am sure there are many things that I can do .. haha .. clean my room and wash my clothes are definitely on the agenda :)
how about: man is destined to die ONCE and after that to face judgment? (Heb 9:27)
I dont know how to disprove it outside the Bible
Yes .. the bible says it clearly that a man only die once and then going to judgement or be with God. I believe that .. BUT would you say that to a person, whom never experienced death (just like us) who have many evidence to support the theory of reincarnation?
One thing that I could think of is there is a possibility that the devil is at work and it is not impossible to know such thing ..
why not? we say it because we believe the Bible is true, right? :]
about the evidence, because its personal you can never know whether they did live in the past, or they just make it up, they can just do some research and claim that they lived in the past and you will never know whether its true or not, eg. I can say that I was Hitler in my "past life", and I can prove it by saying where Hitler was born, who his wife was, how he lived his life, but does that really mean that I was Hitler in the past? :]
I agree that there is a possibility that the devil is at work, just like the false prophets who can predict the future accurately but doesn't mean that they are from God, these ppl might be able to tell you many evidences but that doesn't mean that there is reincarnation.
Well, trying to answer ur question from my limited knowledge: (I might give wrong answers here)
I wonder why no one has come up and say that he was a cockroach in his past life
**I guess there is**
btw ... does reincarnation holds the view of the conservation of souls ... I mean, is there a static amount of souls and they just change their physical form. Or are new souls being created all the time?
**souls are being created and reincarnated. some souls go to nirvana and therefore not being reincarnated again**
Can you come back as a plant?
**no. that's why buddhist eats vegitables since they believe it's got no spirit in it**
From what i know is if you do good in this life, in the next life you will come back as a higher creature, for example if you were a good cockroach, maybe next time you can be human ... if this is the case, considering there's more people on earth than ever before in history, then the corporate goodness of the world must be improving. And especially in the last 100 years or so. Or is my assumption that humans are a higher being is wrong?
**human is higher being than animal, and there is a state of enlightenment which makes human super human**
plus at the end of the day ... who decides what is good and what is not?
** not sure about this, probably the universal law of good and evil, e.g. killing/hate is evil **.
interesting... just out of curiosity, if souls are being created, who create souls in the first place? did we all started as one species and some reincarnated to higher/lower beings and therefore we have so many different species of animals? :]
another thought that comes up to mind, even if its called "universal law" of good and evil, there must be someone to decide first whats good or evil, otherwise something thats evil for you can be good for me, eg. you might think that killing is evil but for me killing is good, in other words without God there's no such thing as universal law of good and evil, everyone makes up their own definition of good and evil
They believe that there is a God .. so God is the one who create souls ... those who believe in reincarnation believe there is one God who creates everything, and there are many gods who take care of this universe/earth/hell/heaven, etc.
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