My mum sms(ed) me yesterday at 1 o'clock in the morning saying one of the bikkhu that she used to ask help from is in sydney now (not sure why he is here) and trying to contact me. She asked me to help him if he needs help. This morning, the bikhu sms(ed) me and ask me to call him on a certain number. I thought, I don't mind helping him as my mum's friend if he really needs help, but I don't think he needs any help at all. I don't have cars and I am working, can't spend too much time with him and I don't want to. He should have some place to sleep I guess, and my place doesn't have enough room in case he wants to spend the night at my place.
I guess he just want to meet me, and talk to me ... Honestly, at first I was worried ... A bikhhu, talking to me? hehe .. sounds a bit weird ... what should I say to him? What will he say to me? Will he stay at my place? Will he give me a jimat? hahahah .. of course bakal ditolak kalo diberi ... Should I talk about religion to him? He will be interested in talking about buddhism to me I guess , I don't really know ...
My current stance is I will regard him as my parents' friends and give him a hand if he needs help. I don't want to spend too much time with him, but I don't want to give the impression that I am impolite to both my parents and the bikhuu as well. It is just that I need the wisdom to do that. This will be interesting actually ... another God-given adventure/experience of my life ..
Well, what would you do if you are in my situation now?
pergi aja di, kalo gue sich!!
gw malah karena dia biksu jadi pengen pergi! hahaha
penasaran lagiiiiiii...=P
trus kan, lu bisa nanya2 soal apa yang buddha ajarin! jadi tambah knowledge lu soal other religion... and bisa compare2 ama christian gitu...=P mungkin gw kepo aja kali ye =P hehehe tp gue senenk sich kalo beginian..
ya and dia juga bisa nanya soal christianity stuff...
interesting banget ga sich??
pergi di pergi! =P hehehehhe
tp kalo emank lu ga comfortable ya basa basi aja! ga usa maksain! ngapain juga =P
hehehhe let me know how it goes okies? =)
Do you think he might be interested to come to Christmas service ?
"My mum called me to ask me to help you... Do you need help ?"... *maybe dia pengen bertobat, needs someone to talk/consult with*...
Question and challenge I had been facing... with my current ministry, am I able to spend time with non-Christian (be it elderly or younger) ?
Kasih tau how did the meeting go ya ! <:
meeting nya ga jadi. I've tried to contact him bbrp kali tapi ga diangkat, even though di indo sempat ketemu biksu juga walaupun cuma sebentar.
I guess looking at cindy and vic yap yang antusias makes me wonder sebenarnya kita ga usah risih atau takut ketemu dengan pemuka agama lain. Maybe it's built in me, I don't know, but thanks for the reminder yap and cin.
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