Thursday, January 13, 2005

Back to indo in 2 years time

I think I might decide to go back after I finish my master degree. Still thinking about it though .. it might change later ..

1. Di indo ada all my families and relatives, lebih rame kali ye.
2. My parents ask me to and they definitely ga mau datang sini.
3. I feel more comfortable raising a family/children in indo. Different environment, aussie is more individualistic, you you, me me.
4. I don't like paying mortgage for the rest of my life 30/40 years.
5. More opportunities if you want to open business or advance in your work.
6. Kehidupan di sydney monoton banget at the moment (everywhere kayak gini kali) plus kadang juga feel not at home aja.

1. Fellowship di sydney sangat encouraging
2. Many uncertainties kalo pulang indo.
3. Indo itu kehidupannya susah being true and honest, selalu ada compromises here and there.
4. Macet, polusi
5. Masih harus cari2 gereja lagi di indo, walaupun gua yakin di indo juga ada gereja yang teach the bible and ada fellowship bagus.
6. Disini udah agak mapan - ada kerjaan and all that - can save quite a bit as well ...

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