One friend once told me this
- Friend(F): I heard in the bible God took away one person's wife and kill his children just to test if the guy is really faithful to Him and discuss it with Satan. That's really unfair and unjust.
- (I): Well, God is God and He can do whatever He likes. Our life is made and belongs to Him.
- (F): I wouldn't want to worship that kind of God even though in the end, I heard God gave the man a new children and wealth. Why would I? He is not just at all ..
- (F): It does not make sense to me that we are sinful because of our parents' sin and granparents' sins. Why am I sinful because of Eve? What do you think about a 'baby'? Is the baby sinful too? NO .. No way that is the case ..
- (I): We are sinful not because of our parents' sin. Sin entered the world through adam and eve, but we are sinful because we reject God and say to God: I don't need you.
- (F): Well, still don't understand, whatevaaa.
- (F): If there is a God why doesn't he come down and show himself to everyone and to me?
- (I): yes He did, 2000 years ago in the person of Jesus.
- (F): Oh in ancient time yes. Then I suggest he does that more often, maybe every 500 years. Don't be so lazy.
- (F): What are you praying for?
- (I): I say thanks for the meal
- (F): Emm, do you think if you don't work you can still eat like this?
- (I): No, but I believe that God is in control of everything. My work comes from God too.
- (F): Well, that's just stupid. God does not have anything to do with it, why should I pray to a God that does not contribute to this meal?
- (F): Well I don't believe in any religion. I think people misuse religion to have control over other people. I am in control of myself now.
- (F): So you are a christian aren't you? *giving some weird look in the eyes* .. Interesting ...
- (I): So what is it that you believe in?
- (F): I believe in myself. I control everything. If I want something, I buy it. I don't need a God to give me that. I am god.
- (I): Well, if you say that man is a god to himself, it is obvious that we do not have control over many things in life. That cannot be true.
- (F): I believe that in this life I should work hard if I want something. I like money, girls, and I don't think God has anything to do with it. You should work hard to get them and at the same time enjoy life. It is stupid to thank a God ....
- God let Satan take away Job's children (family and wealth) and his friends (including his wife) to question his faith... No, it's not because of all these things Job worship God *and we shouldn't also*... how can you be sure that whom you worship is truly God or just one of your creation ?
- Given the circumstances, people sin... the fact that we sin, shows that we're sinful, inwardly...
- God will come again to show Himself, and by that time, it'll be too late to believe in Him... By the fact that He revealed Himself once, doesn't it make him IS ?
- Used by another religion, "the difference between animals and human is that animals don't pray when they eat"... if God doesn't give the work, if God doesn't give the money to buy the food, if God doesn't give the health to enjoy the food, I'll *by God's grace* still be praising God for sustaining me...
- God doesn't need money... God created women... and thank God that He chose the lowly to shame the strong...
- The question my friend had was why would God do that? What if it happens to us? By human standard it is painful ..
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