Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Being pushy

I was being a bit pushy to someone today. Not only it made me feel bad, but it made me think about something. When should you push someone and when should you restrain yourself from doing it? Or should we do it AT ALL?

Usually I don't like pushing people around. I would rather be in peace with him/her. hehehe ... That's built in my character which can be bad sometimes. I sometimes am very reluctant to be in conflict with people or tell people on what to do even though It is something that needs to be done. Some people told me that there are some occassions where you really need to be a little bit over the edge and really push if you really believe that there is a benefit in doing so.

Let me give an example to better illustrate this. There is a child who is reluctant to do just anything. He is very talented in music and his parents could see that talent in him. He could be a great musicians if only he wants to start practicing his music talent. The problem is, as I said before, this child is unwilling to do that. What should you do as parents? You know that this will bring great benefit for him later on in his life. Will you FORCE the child? If you force him to do it, there's a chance that he will thank you later on for that. If you don't force him, he might end up wasting his talents. As parents you might try many ways of trying to convince your child, including giving your son "pengertian" in the hope that he might understand your thoughts and insights. You have tried to do it patiently over a period of time. But yeah, it doesn't seem to work at all.

So in the example above, how should you act as the child's parents? How can you be wise to judge the difference between the two? Push/Force your child to do it, or let him do what he wants to do, which might NOT be the right thing to do. Afterall, what you really want as parents(this is what I want anyway) is to win the child's HEART (in this case, the child is willing to practice his music talent without any hesitant) .. This is the most ideal thing that the parent could ever wish kan? hehehe ..

Another question: Does God ever "PUSH" us in doing something? Remember Jonah?

Hahahah .. anyway, enough of confusion already.

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