Sunday, June 27, 2004

waiting waiting and waiting, AT LASSTTTTT

Hmmhhhhh .... I picked up my little brother at the sydney airport today. I had to wait for quite some time. Since there was a delay in the flight I had to wait around 3 hours in the airport. Such a troublesome airplane, luckily there was a soccer match at the airport between Holland and Sweden, so I watched that game while waiting. The rest of the time, I used it for shopping at the airport. I thought why not do shopping while I have a chance to do it, since I rarely go shopping these days. In the end I met my brother, I was very happy. VERY VERY HAPPY, AT LASSSTTTTTT ... Hehehehe .. We went home and spent a bit of time together, had lunch and all that. It was a good time.

Looking at that experience, I think I have a lot of things in me that I currently have to wait upon. Wait for God's time. So manyyyyyy, that sometimes I begin to loose patience. Things like waiting for God to work in my family, continuing my study, have my own usaha, having a relationship, waiting for growth in my ministry, and many things. Those waits seem so loooongg and so farrrrr away. I can get impatient easily when things don't go according to my way, and I am quite a hasty person actually. I like to do things very fast. ^^ .. I sometimes loose track, like a sheep, a dumb sheep that is lost. Thank God, He is THE good shepherd. I can see and feel that He always directed me, not to loose sight of what's important in this life. It is not MONEY, or RELATIONSHIP, NOT EVEN MINISTRY. I think the most important thing in this life is to make Jesus' Name known, How great is God's name and the things that He has done. Whatever I do, wherever I will be, I don't want to loose track of this goal. Hey friends, please rebuke me if I start to loose sight of this! ^^

Anyway, in the end of all those waits, there is an "AT LASSTTT" part. I will wait for that time and rejoice and be thankful. Maybe this is the time I meet God face to face or it can be other times as well. hehehe. In the end maybe I don't get what I really want, but yeah, I will trust HIM who loves me, the good shepherd and still rejoice, because I know who HE IS.

Oh well, in the meantime, I'm just happy that my brother is here again. YAYYYY! AT LAST. It was worth the wait.

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