Friday, June 11, 2004

long weekend

Hmm .. how long has it been since the last long weekend? Well, It's here now and me so happy. URESHIIIIIIIIIIIIII kalo kata org Jepang .. hehehe .. Been really tired lately at work, need some rest, YES, Rest .. in my own room with computer on, reading books, or watching tv or new ANIME would be very ideal .. heheeh ..

This saturday there is the passion of the Christ QnA session at pemuda. Inti has worked really hard in preparing this... Me Just pray to God that He will work tomorrow, and being confident in His Word which has the power to save people ... *Father, I Surrender everything yah* ...

After pemuda, cannot join the fellowship dinner as I've been invited to dinner by S to S's place. I Wonder what's the special occassion, still not sure, but I guess I'll just come... In the morning, I'll play basketball at unigym with a couple of hongkies and indos .. Should be pretty good .. It's been really good for the past two weeks .. met some new friends and who knows what can happen? new opportunity for the gospel? hehehe .. you never know ...

Why is it so hard yah to talk to people about the gospel? Even to our christian friends? It's suppose to be a good news, which we should be excited upon, just like having a NEW car or a NEW girlfriend, or a NEW computer or a NEW baby .. It's suppose to be EXCITING stuff looh .. but hey, it's not so exciting. It's maybe because most people that we meet everyday might not want to hear it .. people might get offended .. We don't usually like to offend people ... Or they have their own beliefs ... Or other thing like "What right do we have to say that their belief is wrong?" and so on.

Paul said: "I am not ashamed of the gospel, It's the POWER of God that SAVES all those who believe..

We might look foolish (I hate to look like foolish in front of other people btw), we might not win the respect of men, we might break friendships, others might look down on us, our family might not like us, and so many other things, YET in all those things the bible says, we are actually more than conquerers through Him who loves us. *Be strong di* ..

Oh well, on Sunday it will be even busier .. Have night service pelayanan .. in the morning there might be retreat meeting .. waaaaa .. so busy so busy ...

On Monday, Yoppie invited me and other friends for lunch BBQ at rockdale .. It should be a good time to catch up with people .. the food is guaranteed Yoppie said .. hahahaha .. can't wait until Monday .... *Awasss kalo ga enak* .. :P

Hmm .. I think that's enough for now!! I will update this blog with what happen tomorrow and sunday and monday ... until then, be Joyful always!!


La Picara SoƱadora said...

Be Stong,di!^^ It's part of the command 'Let's encourage and spur one another unto love as the day is approaching' (in Hebrew)....What can be more encouraging that the gospel of love and salvation?:)

btw, saturday is S's befday, gmn seh?ckckckckkc....:)

Adi Susanto said...

Hahahha oooo ... befday toooohhhh .. baru tau .. well, dia ga bilang si .. n gua juga ga cari tau .. waktu itu ditanyain sampe dipaksa2 juga bilang ga ada apa2.. gua ya percaya aja rose ... *payah nih* ... Kalo besok cuman setor tampang kan ga lucu? heheheh .. thanks Rose ... for pemberitahuan dan encouragementnya!