Had Pemuda fellowship at church today. I am always excited at meeting friends whom I rarely meet during week days. Met Franky, Edwin (forgot that you are suppose to give announcement for retreat *hahahaha*), Triana, Christine, Andy (dah lama banget ga ketemu, katanya ada 3 weeks intensive class), Hatta, Cynthia, Anna (dah lama juga, katanya kerja di bakers delight), and many others. You can see that I'm getting excited from my behaviour .. If I laugh very loud, that usually means that I am in a happy and iseng mood. That's just me ... When I'm in this mood, I like to tease people and make people laugh as well .. Had to restrain myself not to overdo it .. heheheh ..
Funny, In pemuda we can find people with many diverse personality. Ada yg mature, ada yg masih anak2, ada yg egois juga, ada yg very helpful, ada yg diem, ada juga yg ribut, ada yg setia, ada juga yg males2 an, ada yg sifatnya thinker, ada juga yg lebih frank, ada yg sabarrrr, ada juga yg ga sabaran, ada yg banyak pake perasaan, ada juga yg pake logic. So many diverse personality. Maybe itu cocok kali ya ama what Paul said, Even though, we are many but we are one body in Christ. We are the CHURCH of Christ. It's good in a sense that we can learn from one another and being patient with one another juga sometimes.
Tadi baru kepikiran aja what is it that I would REALLY REALLY like to see happening in youth fellowship .. It's like what do I picture the fellowship in the end (of my period as pemuda leader or until God come again maybe*hehehe*) .. What I'd really like to see is that ALL Pemuda individually and as a group tuh bisa jadi BLESSING .. Diperlengkapi to become a blessing .... Blessing means being Christ' witness wherever kita ada, di indo kek, di sydney kek, di amrik kek, di kutub utara kek, dimana aja deh. I really want to see them and ME, show Christ in our lives, to our parents, bros and sis, friends, workmates. While doing that, we encourage one another kalo ada yg lagi jatuh dibantuin, di encourage.. Every week we receive blessing from God's Word and bisa meneruskan that blessing to other people as well. Christ ordered his disciples to become His witnesses before Dia go up to heaven and I think it's something yg really important. Yah ... begitulah ... ^^ ...
Had a good meeting with INTI today. Now we try to meet every two weeks to pray for one another and pemuda. We asked how everyone's goin and we discussed the latest issue in Youth. Everyone's so busy with life .. Ryan is getting ready for going back to indo for good *hiks*, Hanvy is busy with nyari kerja (heard she had interview with st george), Monnie (Life full of assignment, presentation and assingment, but she will finish everything by next week and just wait for graduation .. :) ), Devi(Sibuk kerja, heard she got a new responsibility at her workplace, congrats dev), and Dave is busy with his PHD .. Overall it was a really good meeting, it was short but very encouraging to see all of them in the same ministry .. really glad that I can serve with them in Pemuda ...
Overall today's pemuda was good .. I felt a bit moved when SDG group prayed together. We sang "I surrender all" .. After that we prayed for many things and I was really glad that we did that ... Really encouraged by it .. prayer is a BIG BIG thing and we shouldn't forget to do it in the ministry ... Some people said it's the NAFAS nya gereja .. *Berdoalah senantiasa* .. Let your life itself be an offering of prayer to Him .. I was also encouraged by Oscar's and San2 testimony. I can see that these two bro and sis of mine love to do the RIGHT thing for the Lord. They are not perfect, just like me, but I believe that by His grace, God can use them to bring blessing to other people, to bring Jesus himself to others .. I pray that God will keep working in their lives and He WILL ..
Akhir kata, hehehe, yuk yuk let us giat selalu dalam pekerjaan Tuhan, coz we know it's not sia2 gitu loh ...