Matthew 7:4 How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?I have been thinking about the issue between the different churches ... I was involved with a group of christians who happen to be from a charismatic churches in Rotterdam .... I did not know that at the time and when I asked about what denomination their church was, one of the guy whom I was in contact with said "We are definitely not catholics and therefore therefore that makes us charismatic and reformed then. But we are a good church, I tell you why because we always put God as priority in our life and that is a sign of a good Christian" ....
I was impressed by his answer and decided to join the cell group once .... I also saw their website and they put 1 Cor 11-12 where you don't speak in tongue at church as one of the thing that they believe in ... I felt this church was ok and we had a cell group one afternoon after having dinner ... They were very welcoming ... I was trying to find out more about their church during the cell group, coz it did not really say on the website ... But I couldn't figure out what kind of church it was ... After i visited their church the next Sunday in Delft (another city) it was clear to me that they are charismatic .... They even invited 2 prophets that week and they prophesied to the conggregations ... The prophets prophesied and said things like "I feel there is someone with bla bla bla" ... "Together you two are dynamite couple bla bla bla" .... and so on ....
I felt a bit unease within me, but there was one thing which I could not agree with him regarding the prayer that he prayed ..... From what I gathered, he prayed about the apostolic movement ... not sure what he meant by that, but I think it was related to charismatic movement .... He was preaching from the gospel and discussed about how the religious order at that time oppose the blind man who had been healed by Jesus .... The blind man was ordered to go to Siloam lake, which also means apostolic after Jesus put mud in his eyes ... He was then healed and he associated that with apostolic movement .... He then prayed for "division", asking for it in prayer ..... I thought it was very wrong to pray like that especially when you claim yourself to be a prophet .... Even Jesus prayed for unity among his disciples .... If he regards established religious order at Jesus time the same as other Christians nowadays, then he has prayed something not according to the bible ....
After that event, I decided to leave the cell group .... Being me, I felt uneasy again ... It is like I was being discriminating against charismatic churches .... If Jesus was there, or Paul was there, wouldn't they stay and try to fix things up .... But again I thought, who am I to fix this? I may be able to present my case in a cell group but that may lead to unending arguments and division among the group members ... I felt no peace during that time thinking what should I do ....
In the end I decided to leave the cell group and possibly join another one in rotterdam, but I definitely still want to keep in touch with them one way or another .... I regard the rotterdam cell group members as my bro and sis in Christ (not the church though) ... They live a different life to other dutch students here and I can see Christ in their life ....
The question remain though ... Is it a wise decision to do so? Would you do the same or differently?
Personally, I made the decision not because I am discriminating against charismatic churches or the cell groups .... There is no perfect church in this world because it consists of imperfect human beings .... I believe God uses charismatic church these days to bring his people to him too (I am one living example), so does reformed churches, and we should work together to bring the gospel to nations .... I left because I believe that some of the things they are doing is not according to the bible and I feel it would be better for me to grow with other christians from the reformed denomination .... I will not feel peace in my heart if I keep joining the cell group unless I bring forward my case on certain things .... Nonetheless, I accepted my cell group members as my brother and sister in Christ .... I wanna keep praying for them, so they grow in the true knowledge of God!!
Maybe enough sharing for now!! lol ...